Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Poem by Sy Roth

“Morrass”ic Park

mired in diluvian muck.
DNA imprints scratched
into our caves,
hashmarks of unkept promises,
a calumny of flaccid dreams.

message whispered,
hogtied behind its cell doors,
Fed-Exed addresses
dressed in fecal-brown disguise.

the goo bubbles
in those caverns.
to become a swampy grave
without succor,
or outstretched hand.

markers linger,
dit-datting its Morse code.
morassic phantom follows
eating out our rheumy eyes.

a dormant volcano
belching ancient gasses,
into deflated balloons.
entreaties of unrung doorbells 
followed by meak surrender.

she holidays on a tropic isle,
while they wuther,
drink-umbrella fluttering lightly in her hand
followed by their mud-sucking drowning.

Sy Roth comes riding in and then canters out. Oftentimes, head is bowed by reality; other times, he proud to have said something noteworthy. cRetired after forty-two years as teacher/school administrator, he now resides in Mount Sinai, far from Moses and the tablets. This has led him to find words for solace.   He spends his time writing and playing his guitar. He has published in Visceral Uterus, Amulet, BlogNostics, Every Day Poets, Barefoot Review, Haggard and Halloo, Misfits Miscellany, Larks Fiction Magazine, Danse Macabre, Bitchin’ Kitsch, Bong is Bard, Humber Pie, Poetry Super Highway, Penwood Review, Masque Publications, Foliate Oak, Miller’s Pond Poetry, The Artistic Muse, Word Riot, Samizdat Literary Journal, Right Hand Pointing, The Screech Owl, Epiphany, Red Poppy Review, Big River, Poehemians, Nostrovia Poetry’s Milk and Honey, Siren, Palimpsest,  Dead Snakes, Euphemism, Humanimalz Literary Journal, Ascent Aspirations, Fowl Feathered Review, Vayavya, Wilderness House Journal, Aberration Labyrinth, Mindless(Muse), Em Dash and Kerouac’s Dog. 


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