
Friday, November 9, 2012

A Poem by Mark Hudson

Alzheimer's, or booze?
Last night, it was almost Halloween, there
was a full moon out. I got on the train late at
night. I got off in Wilmette to meet my friend
Ned. A man got off and he looked drunk.
He was counting the money in his wallet,
and he had tons of money, and food stamps.
He acted confused. He said, "What time
is it?' And I said, "9:30 P.M." and he said,
"No it's not, it's 1:A.M!" And I said,
"Sir, have you been drinking?" and he
said no, "I haven't had a drop of liquor!"
And then he wanted to take a bus, and
the CTA employer told him no bus
left till the morning, and he said
but it is morning." And it went on and on.

Mark Hudson is a published poet and writer who is a member of Rockford Writers where you can order the latest anthology of his interviews with people from Chicago about Chicago. He also contributes to magazines like Metverse Muse from India, which led to getting five animal poems being published in a book called Creature Features. He has also been taking printmaking for years, and is constantly striving to be a better writer and artist. He knows he is not the only one, so he enjoys other people's work as well.

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